Mooj Zadie
Mooj Zadie (@moojz) is an associate producer at Fresh Air with Terry Gross.
His work has appeared on Pitchfork, Studio 360, 99% Invisible, and Love + Radio. In 2013, he won Best Documentary: Honorable Mention from the Third Coast International Audio Festival. He's the host of Tape and founder of Tape Fest — a live radio show created for the stage.
Ellen was struggling for money, working as a Subway "sandwich artist" (yes, that's a real thing.)
The 2013 Third Coast Festival Broadcast, featuring the winners of our annual competition.
Re:sound's Gwen Macsai hosts Best of the Best: The 2013 Third Coast Festival Broadcast, showcasing the best radio stories of the year - winners of the 2013 TC / Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition.
2016 Third Coast Radio Residents: Andrew Mambo, Erica Mu, Erika Beras, James T. Green, Mooj Zadie, Paola Mardo and Sayre Quevedo.