Sophie Townsend
Sophie Townsend (@sophietown) (she/her) is a senior producer and editor at ABC Audio Studio. She also works internationally as an audio features maker and writer. Her podcast for the BBC, Goodbye To All This, made with Falling Tree Productions, was one of the New York Times's best podcasts for 2020. In 2015 she won the HearSay International Audio competition with her piece “Mr Fix-it.” Her works “Stories and Driving” and “The Updates” were featured at Third Coast in 2015, and she was a speaker at Third Coast in 2019. Through her personal stories for radio, she explores relationships, loss and family, and her work has been played on the BBC's Short Cuts, Radiotopia's The Heart and the CBC's Love Me.
When Sophie Townsend’s husband was diagnosed with lung cancer, she started the Russell Updates, a weekly email that laid it all bare for friends and family.
This hour we're featuring two stories of love through loss... plus an interview with the producers who've written their way through these troubled moments.
This hour we buckle up and hit the road.
This hour redefinition, reflection... and the new you.
At what point did you decide to adapt your emails for the radio? What changes did you make to the writing so it would work for an audience of listeners versus loved ones?
We make stories for the ear, but there’s no escaping the highly visual nature of the work we produce...
Celebrate the Best Audio Stories of 2021